145 80 R13 Tyres
Want 145 80 R13 tyres? At Tyre Savings, you can buy a great selection of quality tyres online. Make sure to use our free local fitting service when you select your new 145 80 R13 from the products below and add them to your shopping cart. The best tyre prices for 145/80R13 tyres in the UK will include top brands and excellent customer service.
Our Best Selling Tyres
CHEAPEST available

Comfort II
145/80R13 75T
£35.69 + FREE Fitting

145/80R13 75T
£40.20 + FREE Fitting
Great value PREMIUM

RainExpert 3
145/80R13 75T
£59.94 + FREE Fitting

Comfort II
145/80R13 75T
£35.69 + FREE Fitting

145/80R13 75T
£38.28 + FREE Fitting

145/80R13 75T
£40.20 + FREE Fitting

Eco Pioneer
145/80R13 75T
£41.94 + FREE Fitting

Ecowing ES31
145/80R13 75T
£49.85 + FREE Fitting

RainExpert 3
145/80R13 75T
£59.94 + FREE Fitting