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Step 2 - Select Tyres
Step 3 - Choose Fitter
Step 4 - Confirm Booking
165 60 R12 tyres
Cheap 165 60 R12 tyres? Look no further, because you are in the best place. The cheapest 165/60R12 tyres in the UK are available right here at Tyre Savings, along with free fitting. Just select your preferred 165 60 R12 and put it in your shopping cart. Then, a nearby installer will help fit your brand-new tyres. Once the fitter has satisfied you, just give them the tyre prices on the fitting date and leave.
Our Best Selling Tyres

165/60R12 75H XL
£55.14 + FREE Fitting
We found 1 matching tyre.

165/60R12 75H XL
£55.14 + FREE Fitting