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Step 1 - Confirm Size
Step 2 - Select Tyres
Step 3 - Choose Fitter
Step 4 - Confirm Booking

175 80 R13 tyres

There's a reason we're called Tyre Savings. You won't find cheaper 175 80 R13 tyres anywhere in the UK online. We too guarantee you the best tyre range of 175 80 R13 in the UK. We give all our customers complimentary tyre fittings with each tyre purchased. If the 175/80R13 tyres were fitted on your vehicle and if the quantity of labour is digestible, the fitter is paid in cash only for the tyre prices.

We found 6 matching tyres.



Run flat


Self seal

Vehicle type

Super 2000

175/80R13 97/95R


£44.66 + FREE Fitting


175/80R13 97/95S


£53.64 + FREE Fitting


175/80R13 97/95Q


£61.14 + FREE Fitting


175/80R13 94/92P


£69.48 + FREE Fitting

Rallye 380

175/80R13 86T


£76.44 + FREE Fitting

Radial (RA08)

175/80R13 97/95Q


£86.34 + FREE Fitting