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Step 2 - Select Tyres
Step 3 - Choose Fitter
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285 35 R20 Tyres

You won't find cheaper 285 35 R20 tyres anywhere. Tyre Savings aims to give the best price for 285/35R20 tyres in the UK and includes free fitting, too. Just add your chosen 285 35 R20 to your shopping basket, then choose a local fitter you trust to fit your new tyres. If they're happy doing same-day installs, you just pay them on the day, and away you go. Why look anywhere else for tyres for your vehicle?

We found 17 matching tyres.



Run flat


Self seal

Vehicle type

Passion P9S

285/35R20 104W XL (Run Flat)


£146.34 + FREE Fitting

Potenza Sport

285/35R20 (100Y)


£222.90 + FREE Fitting

Sport Contact 6

285/35R20 100Y


£225.42 + FREE Fitting

Potenza Sport

285/35R20 (104Y) XL


£237.56 + FREE Fitting

Eagle F1 Supersport

285/35R20 (104Y) XL


£247.14 + FREE Fitting

Pilot Sport 3

285/35R20 (104Y) XL


£252.76 + FREE Fitting

Potenza RE070R

285/35R20 100Y (Run Flat)


£254.34 + FREE Fitting

Pilot Sport 4 S

285/35R20 (104Y) XL


£270.10 + FREE Fitting

Pilot Sport 4 S

285/35R20 (104Y) XL


£272.45 + FREE Fitting

Potenza S007

285/35R20 104Y XL (Run Flat)


£278.34 + FREE Fitting

Turanza T005

285/35R20 104Y XL (Run Flat)


£280.62 + FREE Fitting

Crossclimate 2

285/35R20 104Y XL


£289.14 + FREE Fitting

Pilot Sport 4

285/35R20 104Y XL (Run Flat)


£303.97 + FREE Fitting

P Zero Corsa (PZC4)

285/35R20 (104Y) XL


£306.77 + FREE Fitting

P Zero

285/35R20 104Y XL


£314.34 + FREE Fitting

P Zero (PZ4)

285/35R20 (104Y) XL


£316.98 + FREE Fitting

Pilot Sport 4 S

285/35R20 (104Y) XL


£336.77 + FREE Fitting